the late-nights and take-outs while hunched

 could mean arriving at work on your first day and making the impression that you are there and you mean business, or if you need a pick-me-up after a tough few days and just want to feel good. The key is to look like you are someone that owns the bank, not someone who needs a loan from it, and this, while the exterior does help, comes from within. 

Finding your fit.

The time has come where all those long hours, the late-nights and take-outs while hunched over your desk as the last person in the office, and endless research has come to fruition and you have ‘the’ meeting inked in on the calendar to show the board what you are made of and why they should listen to you. 

Knowledge and fact-finding have never been the issue considering you are naturally book smart, now to complement that brain you need an appearance that speaks to who you are, represent you in your best light, and will make the world take notice. 

An outfit to tie everything together seems easy enough to find, but the right fit and shop to find them in is another story. There are endless stores on the high street offering you every item of clothing under the sun, but to take your look to the next level you need something a little more upmarket. More bespoke and that sets you apart from the crowd. 

If this sounds like what you have in mind then you can check 


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make sure you’re measuring to the subfloor